Yoga for the Rest of Us
“This is more than a normal everyday yoga class, this is a wellness experience!”
Many people think you need to be flexible to do yoga. At Yoga for Quality of Life, we believe the people who need yoga the most are the least flexible or as we like to call them flexibly challenged.
Yoga for Quality of Life Community
Monthly membership to both live classes and our library of recordings. -
Brand New to Yoga
A short series of videos to begin your yoga journey.
Flexibility NOT needed!
My Story
Over 30 years ago a doctor advised me that stretching 5 minutes a day would relieve my back pain and improve my quality of life. I struggled to make myself stretch daily, so I went to a yoga class. My friend who went with me taught dance and could do everything and beyond. I could not even sit up tall on the floor when my legs we extended out in front of me. This seasoned instructor was able to give me props and tips to allow me to safely work on making myself more flexible. I started to see progress. More importantly, I began to wake up without extreme back pain. I went to more and more yoga classes, then started assisting the instructor with eventually becoming a certified yoga instructor.
27 years later, I am still teaching and sharing my first hand knowledge of using increased flexibility, relaxation and breathing to alleviate physical pain. I find it so rewarding to work with people who are inflexible, recovering from surgery or injury, and people who want to improve their physical and mental quality of life. I continue to take training in yoga as well as the human body to be able to help more people and health issues. The biggest compliment to me is when a student tells me they are no longer having a particular pain or living life with no pain since taking yoga with me.
“My first ever yoga class was with Yoga for Quality of Life 14 years ago and I have been with her ever since. I came to her with back pain which quickly resolved. After her yoga class I feel a great overall stretch, relaxed muscles and a calming sense of peace. ”